The first step when you decided to buy a house or move to Spain for a period longer than 3 months would be arranging a NIE identification number.
•An NIE code is essential when buying property, opening a bank account, starting a business, use short-term employment agencies or receive social security benefits
•The NIE number is both a Social Security number, and a tax identification number
•Applications for an NIE can be made at a police station with a foreigners department which can be found in the most towns of 100.000 or more inhabitants. Foreigner department in Torremolinos is at nacional police station at calle skal. Right in the center.
To obtain the NIE go the police department Oficina de Extranjeros in calle skal you are intending to be registered and ask for necessary papers. Like most offices it is overcrowded and only attend visitors in the morning hours until 1 p.m. So first collect an application form for NIE and fill it in at home.
•You will need the number repeatedly filling in various paper forms as well as to identify yourself through internet sites like online banking.
Make copies of all the documents you will need to supply with the form and return other day early in the morning so you will be ontime to get a number and file the form. The office will then indicate when you can collect your NIE. Normally it will take 2 weeks to 1 month.
Residence card
As of March 2007 EU citizens do no longer need a residency card Extranjería). European Union citizens are issued with a certificate stating their name, address in Spain and NIE. You can always apply for such a certificte at a later stage.
Pensioners who are retiring to Spain still require a residence card. Consult with a local lawyer on this matter.
Citizens of non-EU countries must have a residency permit. It should be applied for within 30 days of arriving in the country. The application should be addressed to the Foreigners' Office (Oficina de Extranjeros) or, depending on where the nearest office is, the local police station.
Non-EU residents are allowed to stay in Spain for a year on an initial permit (residencia), which can be renewed, and lasts up to 5 years.
Before departure for Spain a Visado de Residencia must be requested from the Spanish Embassy of the home country.
Social Security Card
If it is the first time you have worked in Spain you must obtain a personal social security membership number. You can arrange this yourself or your company can do it on your behalf.
Consequently, you will obtain the social security card (tarjeta de seguridad social), which must be presented at the corresponding health centre to be assigned to a doctor and obtain a health certificate.
Registration at town hall
If you wish to prove that you live in Spain you may register with the local Ayuntamiento (local council). In order to do so you only need to present the rental contract for your accommodation or an electricity or water bill, etc. to prove that you actually live there. In many cases being registered means paying less communal fees or getting reduced price membership to town sport facilities etc. It will also enable you to vote in local elections if you are an EU citizen.
Our advice!! Take a trustable and bilangual specialist let him or her inform you about your specific situation it cost you a bit, butt will help you a lot.
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